




  • Configuration of a link that is passed to a provider
  • The super trait containing all necessary traits for a provider
  • CapabilityProvider handling of messages from host
  • todo: invert this so that the provider takes the wrpc_transport::Client and then hooks up it’s own handlers Handler for dispatching invocations that come via wRPC
  • A trait for providers that are powered by WIT contracts and communicate with wRPC


  • Parse an sufficiently specified WIT operation/method into constituent parts.
  • Returns the rpc topic (subject) name for sending to an actor or provider. A provider entity must have the public_key and link_name fields filled in. An actor entity must have a public_key and an empty link_name.
  • Generates a fully qualified wasmbus URL for use in wascap claims. The optional method parameter is used for generating URLs for targets being invoked
  • helper method to add logging to a nats connection. Logs disconnection (warn level), reconnection (info level), error (error), slow consumer, and lame duck(warn) events.

Type Aliases§

  • Re-export of types from wasmcloud_core A WIT function (ex. get in wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get)
  • Re-export of types from wasmcloud_core WIT interface for a given operation (ex. readwrite in wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get)
  • Re-export of types from wasmcloud_core WIT namespace for a given operation (ex. wasi in wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get)
  • Re-export of types from wasmcloud_core WIT package for a given operation (ex. keyvalue in wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get)
  • Human readable name of a [wit_parser::WorldKey] which includes interface ID if necessary see:
  • A NATS subject which is used for wRPC, normally of the shape <lattice>.<target id>.wrpc.0.0.1.<interface>.<operation>